Monday, December 18, 2017

Ellis Health Update - 171218

Saturday, 2 December 2017. I finished a day-and-a-half legal deposition this morning and then managed to get in a very slow walk this afternoon. The walk left me completely exhausted and I slept for an hour and a half afterward. This was the first walk I have managed for several days. Thursday was taken up by a visit to the dentist and an attorney's meeting, and Friday and Saturday were consumed by the deposition. I did finally resume walking on Sunday.

It is now Monday, 18 December and we are preparing for the kids arrival for a Christmas visit later this week. I had a few bad days recently but am now back to my regular one-mile walk most days. The weather has been cooperating and it has been sunny most of the time. We haven't actually had any rain for several months now, but sometimes it is cloudy and rather dreary. I do like the sun.

For my regular mile-long walks, I choose between two separate routes. One is a straightforward route to the end of a street, returning the same way. The other utilizes several different streets in a sort of loop and is a bit more interesting. Each route has a resting spot at about the mid-point of the walk, a very welcome fixture. The out-and-back walk resting spot is a conveniently-parked trailer (right) that I have seen moved only once in all the months I have walked this way; it is usually bathed by the sun when I arrive and is thus a nice place to stop on a winter day. 

The loop walk resting spot is an upended rock (left) in the edge of Bill the Boatman's yard. (the owner's name is Bill and I call him the Boatman because he has several boats parked on his property and does repairs for others).

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