Saturday, January 13, 2018

Skyliner Hikes for February 2018:

February 3: Dead Horse Loop
Distance: 7.7 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Description: This hike is entirely within the boundaries of Dead Horse State Park and there may be a small shared fee for entry to the park. Hike from Lime Kiln trailhead to Thumper trail to Lower Raptor Hill trail and back to parking lot.
Meet: 0800 in Cottonwood Safeway Parking Lot, outer perimeter, across from Office Max.
Information: Call Dave Beach at 928-593-9466

February 10: Twin Peaks/Turkey Creek
Distance: 4.9 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Description: Drive to VOC and take Verde Valley School road for 4 miles, turn left on dirt road and drive 0.6 miles to trailhead 92 (Turkey Creek).
Meet: 0800 in Cottonwood Safeway Parking Lot, outer perimeter, across from OfficeMax.
Information: Call Dave Beach at 928-593-9466

February 17: Hike Doe Mountain and Cockscomb Trails
Distance: 6 miles
Difficulty: Moderate (short sections of steep trail)
Description: Hike to the top of Doe Mountain and around the periphery of the mesa; hike up to the Cockscomb.
Meet: 0800 in Cottonwood Safeway Parking Lot, outer perimeter, across from Office Max.
Information: Call Dave Beach at 928-593-9466

February 24: House Mountain via Turkey Creek
Distance: 9 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Description: Drive to VOC and take Verde Valley School road for 4 miles, turn left on dirt road and drive 0.6 miles to trailhead 92 (Turkey Creek). Hike Turkey Creek trail to saddle and then across to House Mtn.
Meet: 0800 in Cottonwood Safeway Parking Lot, outer perimeter, across from Office Max.

Information: Call Dave Beach at 928-593-9466

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